
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request.

My friend Beth, who gave birth to a premature baby boy, a few weeks ago just text with an urgent request. The hospital called and told them to rush to the hospital. The baby Christopher has pneumonia and an infection in his blood.
I know that she is very upset. She has been having to travel back and forth to see the baby. He is a hospital a couple hours away so she has only been going every other day due to expenses.
Christopher was born at 28 weeks. I know that he still has a long way to go. Anytime you get a call from the hospital while your child is in the NICU it is very disturbing. Her aunt & I were just discussing this matter this morning about no news is good news. When you don't hear anything while from the doctors when they are the NICU, your child is doing okay. When doctors start calling then it is time to be concerned.

Beth is close to my heart because when she lost her mother at the age of 7, my husband and I seriously considered adopting her. God had other plans for Beth and for us but we still love her very much and keep in touch.


  1. My prayers are with Beth, and her precious baby Christopher. I will also post this at the lighthouse of prayer sweetie.

  2. I am praying for Beth and her sweet baby.


Your comments are so welcome. Just make sure your comments are ones that you wouldn't mind that Mother read. I do promise not to invite her to read them though.