
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tuckered Out

Today started early for me. I heard my son's alarm go off around 5:30 a.m. I knew he didn' t plan to go to work that early. He had an appt. with the oral surgeon, first thing this morning. I had promised to go with him.

He didn't get up that early but I did so I could have a little quite time. Also so I could get ready before anyone else needed the hot water for their shower.

We needed to leave by 8 a.m. We did. His appt. went well. He is scheduled to get his 4 wisdom teeth taken out Jan. 23rd.

Came back and had to deal with insurance things again. Having an accident is not so cut and dry. The man that was involved in the accident with me needed more information. It was not on the accident report. Then I had to go to city hall and pick up my copy of the accident report. In Tennessee if you don't send in proof of financial responsibilty within 20 days, the state will suspend your license. Filled out the form sent, sent it in by registered mail.

I also had to stop by oldest son's new insurance carrier and provide them with proof that he had been covered on our policy. He was covered until he took out his own policy last week. This is just auto insurance.

It just about the time of the year, that I have to start dealing with our health insurance policy. The premiums always increase. They are already more than we can afford. Being self employed makes it so unreasonable without having 2 preexisting conditions. Yet God has always provided. Our agent called on Monday saying that he would be sending out some new application forms for me to fill out. (I look forward to that!! Not!!)

That it is enough whining for today. I am thankful that God has always provided for us. That my husband and I are still well. That we have 2 wonderful sons who make us proud. That God loads us up daily with benefits. That His mercies are new every morning.

Hope you are having a great day.


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