
Friday, April 24, 2009

Til the Storm Passes By

I was visiting my sis in loves blog . She had some awesome pictures posted from yesterday. We had several quick thunder storms move through yesterday afternoon as it so often happens in the spring.
Her pictures of the storm clouds moved me and made me think of the ole song "Til the Storm Passes By". I have always loved that song.

The above picture is from her blog. Visit her blog to see other beautiful pictures. She lives on the mountain and I live in the valley about 8 miles from one another. She is in the country and I am just outside of the city limits. I love it up on the mountain. I enjoy the peace and quite of being at their place. Here it always noisy. I live on busy state highway so there is a great deal of traffic. I just relax so whenever I am there.

Just think even in the midst of a storm we can relax. We are in the hands of our heavenly Father. He has everything under control. He will never leave us or forsake us. Which makes me think of another old hymn "Never Alone" . Am I showing my age or my roots? I don't care. I love most all gospel music as long as it honors and glorifies God and is Biblically correct with its doctrine.

Enjoy the video of an ole beloved gospel song.


  1. I have never heard this song....! Pictures are beautiful.

    Love and hugs,

  2. Your blog caught my eye today because of the reference to Mosie Lister's fine gospel song, "'Til the Storm Passes By." I wouldn't exactly call it "old," however. It was published in 1958, so is a mere "spring chicken" compared to the hymns of Watts and Wesley. (And there are even songs in our hymnals older than theirs.)

    Today is actually Mosie Lister's 88th birthday, if he's still with us. Glad you like his song!


Your comments are so welcome. Just make sure your comments are ones that you wouldn't mind that Mother read. I do promise not to invite her to read them though.