
Friday, April 17, 2009


Have you been enjoying the sunshine the last couple of days? Doesn't it just lift your spirits? It sure does mine. My oldest has been here at least a few hours every day this week since he is laid off for six weeks. He will not go back to work until June. He commented Monday that he was tired of the gloomy weather.

We all were tired of it. We were also tired of all the tornado warnings. Some of have been very close. One young man was killed Monday morning while sleeping in his bed. A tree fell into his bedroom. He was home for the Easter weekend from college. I felt so for this family. I could not imagine. Thinking that your son was safe at home in his own bed after probably worrying about him when he was not home and not knowing exactly where he was. I know that God is Sovereign over all things. Sometimes things like this are just hard to understand.

I am thankful even though we go through trials and tribulations that God is still faithful and we will come through on the other side. I know because He has seen me through some really hard circumstances and He has not failed me yet. At times I could not see past the bend in the road. Others I was not even sure there was a bend or even a road to follow but He always leads. He never leads to place where is He is not there. Remember He is leading not pushing us. If He is leading He is going ahead of us. If you get somewhere and God is not there then you were not following.

I have been in situations when I felt like I was all alone. Then I remember that He promised never to leave me or forsake me. Isn't that a precious promise. These situations most of the time are to teach to lean upon His everlasting arms. I love these everlasting arms don't you? Look up at the Sonshine. No I did not misspell it. When every thing seems dark and gloomy remember the Son is always shining.


Your comments are so welcome. Just make sure your comments are ones that you wouldn't mind that Mother read. I do promise not to invite her to read them though.