
Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby has arrived

This has been an eventful week for my family. Our first grandchild made his entrance into the world Wednesday evening at 9:06 EDT. We are so proud of him Bradley Jackson H. is his name. He weighed 6 lb. 6 oz and measured 19 3/4 inches in length.

His mother was in labor for 21 hours. It felt like an eternity for all of us who were waiting with her. Those last 2 1/2 hours, the nurses kept telling her not to push because her Dr. was in an emergency. I felt so sorry for the poor little thing. I think I would have pushed anyways. Babies are born everyday without a doctor all over the world. However I am glad we do have access to drs. and medications and all the conveniences that the Lord has blessed us with. She was a real trooper.

Bradley is doing well and so is his Mom. They should be coming home later this afternoon. Everyone is wore out from such a long wait and we are all trying to recover but we are all so excited.


  1. How precious! She was such a trouper! I am so glad they are both healthy and coming home! praise the Lord!

  2. What a blessing! Now the fun begins, Grandma!
    He has such chunky legs. I just love little babies.
    Praying for you all.


Your comments are so welcome. Just make sure your comments are ones that you wouldn't mind that Mother read. I do promise not to invite her to read them though.